We cannot split the difference

It is tempting to propose that that answer to the issues that are currently engulfing the Western Church, particularly the recognition of same sex marriage and the acceptance of homosexual relationships as morally equivalent to marriage to attempt to split the difference to accept that people have different view and try and attempt some form of compromise. Such a view is impossible for two reasons.

Reason 1: The Woke lobby cannot allow it

If you believe that homosexual relationships are right and proper, blessed by God and that any dissent on this view is an act of violence you cannot possibly compromise. As surely any comprise is to accept the unacceptable. At best you can accept a win as a temporary staging post on the way towards your final goal. A blessing then is better than nothing but cannot be your end goal.

Reason 2: The Faithful cannot accept it

If you believe that same-sex relationships are a sinful act condemned by God. Then how can you accept it? There can be no compromise between a truth and lie.

The church needs to have the conviction and courage to declare the reality that God has set out a model for human relationships and that this model; Marriage between a man and woman. Is God’s best. Yes this best is damaged through sin but it is still the best and only sanctified sexual relationship.
